Bonnie Glidewell – Travel Southern Oregon

Bonnie Ryan is a writer for Travel Southern Oregon and an avid seeker of adventure. She has traveled the world and eventually came back to call Southern Oregon home. When she’s not writing about her travel adventures she is probably living them; or working as an educator at the local community college.

The Interview

What is your connection to the Rogue River?

I am a recreational boater and Rogue River lover.

Tell us about your line of work

Community College educator by day and on the side I write travel and tourism posts for Travel Southern Oregon’s Out & About section.

How long have you been working or recreating on the Rogue?

I have been floating the Rogue before I was tall enough to go on any kiddie roller-coaster rides! I have done a few write ups for different outfitters such as Rogue Wilderness and Rogue Raft Company. I am always looking for more opportunities to have fun while working (on or off the Rogue).

What are your favorite qualities of the Rogue River?

Connecting to those you go with whether they are long-time friends or strangers. There is something about being on God’s body of water and enjoying it with those who have the opportunity to do the same. I also love how you can see a vast difference of scenery depending on where you are.

Favorite spot on the Rogue?

This is like choosing your favorite kind of food. It depends on your mood. I would normally have to lean towards the side of the lower section of the Rogue (permit needed) because you can see the most action/wildlife on this stretch.

Is there a sense of community on the Rogue River?

Yes, of course! No matter what outfitter you are with, they are all there to have a good time, take care of and protect their costumers. I have never sensed competition of any sort; it’s truly fabulous!

Has the Rogue River changed you? How has it shaped your life?

Growing up in the Rogue Valley, I had the advantage of being on the river in “dirt bags” (AKA a floating raft filled with packing peanuts that are no longer made) and at one point took it for granted. Before traveling across the World a few years ago, I was set on moving to Portland. When I was away from home, one of the biggest things I missed was this river. I have a deep appreciation for this gift we have and how it can bring you back down to reality, and the fact that it truly is one of those priceless gifts in life.

What is the personality of the Rogue River?

Soothing, yet wild. I have both fallen asleep while floating and came very close to “wetting my wet-suit” out of trepidation.

What would you tell someone who was thinking of visiting the Rogue?

Go find out for yourself. You have nothing and everything to lose.